Flower Pots at Heathcote

Flower Pots at Heathcote
9x12 acrylic on canvas

Monday, September 27, 2010

"Dangerous Drink"
16 x 20 acrylic on canvas $400

You will definitely have to click on this painting to see the details. The deer are almost camouflaged as they are in real nature and if you look at the lower bottom between the lily pads, you will see an alligator swimming toward them. True to wildlife in Florida! 
    In fact, there is a small canal on one side of my property and I often hear 2 different alligators "grunting". They make a sound sort of like a pig grunting. Needless to say, I don't walk near that wild section of the property, but I mow near there but on the mower, I am safe!     It seems that blues often look so much brighter in photos than they are in the painting. The colors are a bit more subtle in the painting than here. I think the painting is really nicer.
Your comments are welcome.

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